Results for 'A. I︠A︡ Brodet︠s︡kiĭ'

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  1.  23
    Culture as the Meaning of History or the Grounding of Historical Culturology.A. Ia Flie - 2003 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 41 (4):52-65.
    In joining a discussion of the subject, object, method, and other specifications of culturology, one should first define one's view of the correlation between culture and history, culturological and historical knowledge, the purposiveness of history as a social movement, and its certainty as a science. From the point of view of positivist philosophy and the social science based on it, history a priori lacks any teleology, goal-orientation, or inner meaning and is simply the sum of the collective life of people. (...)
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    Discussion of the Work of the Institute of Philosophy by the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences.A. Ia Sharov - 1970 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 9 (2):177-190.
    In November 1969, the USSR Academy of Sciences' Presidium held a discussion on the principal lines of work being engaged in by the Academy's Institute of Philosophy. A report on this matter was presented by the Institute's director, P. V. Kopnin, Member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. Participants in the discussion of the report were M. V. Keldysh, President of the USSR Academy, Academicians F. V. Konstantinov, M. B. Mitin, A. M. Rumiantsev and P. N. Fedoseev, and Corresponding Academician (...)
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  3. Filosofskai︠a︡ myslʹ v Belorussii serediny XVIII veka.A. Ia Tsukerman & N. S. Kupchin - 1980 - Minsk: "Nauka i tekhnika". Edited by N. S. Kupchin.
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    On the Dialectics of Content and Form in Art.A. Ia Zis' - 1966 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 5 (3):37-47.
    That form shall correspond to the content of a work is a law of realist art. Marxist-Leninist esthetics, on the basis of discovery of this law, does not prescribe an invented norm for the artist, but generalizes from the experience of art itself. Methodologically, it takes as its point of departure the dialectics of content and form. In so doing, Marxist-Leninist esthetics does not dissolve in philosophical concepts the distinctive features of content in art and the nature of form. It (...)
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    The Marxist-Leninist Theory of Art and its Bourgeois Critics.A. Ia Zis' - 1981 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 20 (1):83-104.
    From the Editors. November 1980 marked the seventieth birthday of the prominent Soviet estheticist, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, and Honored Scholar of the RSFSR Avner Iakovlevich Zis'. In publishing his article, the editors take the opportunity to congratulate the author on this occasion and to wish him health, good spirits, and further creative successes.
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  6. Chelovek v mire khudozhestvennoĭ kulʹtury: priobshchenie k iskusstvu, prot︠s︡ess i upravlenie.Boris Andreevich Grushin, A. Ia Zis & Iu U. Fokht-Babushkin (eds.) - 1982 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka,".
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    Lenin's Idea of the Union of Marxist Philosophy and Natural Science.P. V. Alekseev & A. Ia Il'in - 1973 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 12 (1):86-98.
    Lenin's work "On the Significance of Militant Materialism," written in the spring of 1922, is justly regarded as the philosophical testament of our leader. In it, the tasks of the day were merged with the tasks of the entire epoch on the basis of a profound analysis of reality.
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  8. Opisanie kursov filosofii i ritoriki professorov Kievo-Mogili︠a︡nskoĭ akademii.Ia M. Stratii, V. D. Litvinov & V. A. Andrushko - 1982 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka. Edited by V. D. Litvinov & V. A. Andrushko.
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  9. Dialektika kategorialʹnykh form poznanii︠a︡--kosmos Aristoteli︠a︡ i nauka novogo vremeni.K. A. Sergeev & Ia A. Slinin - 1987 - Leningrad: Izd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta. Edited by I︠A︡. A. Slinin.
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    Philosophy and Physics in the Discussions between Bohr and Einstein.R. A. Aronov & B. Ia Pakhomov - 1986 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 25 (2):63-87.
    Niels Bohr was born on October 7, 1885. He was one of the great innovators in physical science in the twentieth century. It so happens that 1985 also marks fifty years since the long discussions, which had begun in the 1920s between Albert Einstein and Bohr on the philosophical problems of quantum physics, attained their apogee. An article co-authored by Einstein, B. Podolsky, and N. Rosen, "Can Quantum Mechanics Be Considered a Complete Description of Physical Reality?," was published in 1935 (...)
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  11. Sot︠s︡ialʹno-ėticheskie traktary.A. Kh Farabi, E. D. Kasymzhanov & B. Ia Kharenko - 1973 - Alma-Ata,: "Nauka,". Edited by A. Kh Kasymzhanov.
  12. Equal Educational Opportunity as a Public Policy.Ia Bunting - 1991 - South African Journal of Philosophy 10 (2):33-36.
  13. Atomisticheskie kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii v sovremennom estestvoznanii: metodologicheskiĭ analiz.V. A. Chudinov & L. Ia Stanis - 1986 - Moskva: Nauka. Edited by L. I︠A︡ Stanis.
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    (1 other version)Eudoro de Sousa e a presença do mito na filosofia portuguesa.Luís Lóia - 2019 - Linda-a-Velha: DG Edições.
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    A computational analysis of colour constancy.Donald Ia Macleod & Jürgen Golz - 2003 - In Rainer Mausfeld & Dieter Heyer, Colour Perception: Mind and the Physical World. Oxford University Press.
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    "A Mechanistic Perspective on the" Given.Donald Ia Macleod - 2012 - In Gary Hatfield & Sarah Allred, Visual Experience: Sensation, Cognition, and Constancy. Oxford University Press.
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  17. Religii︠a︡ i dekadentstvo v Rossii: metodologicheskie aspekty sot︠s︡ialʹno-filosofskoĭ kritiki.I. Ia Tsvik & Dmitrii Timofeevich Ursul - 1985 - Kishinev: "Shtiint︠s︡a". Edited by D. T. Ursul.
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    Culture Related Factors May Shape Coping During Pandemics.Ia Shekriladze, Nino Javakhishvili & Nino Chkhaidze - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study aimed to examine how anxiety related to different styles of coping during the COVID-19 pandemic and how these relationships were moderated by the cultural orientations of individualism/collectivism and a person’s sense of meaning in life. A sample of 849 participants from Georgia completed an online survey during the final stage of lockdown. To measure the main variables, we used the State Anxiety Inventory, the Horizontal and Vertical Individualism and Collectivism Scale, the Meaning of Life Questionnaire, the COVID-19 Worry (...)
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  19. Postmodernizm : ot istokov do kont︠s︡a stoletii︠a︡: ėvoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡ nauchnogo mifa.Il ia P. Il in - 1998 - Moskva: Intrada.
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  20. Mul udusamayen heḷivana Bauddha ārthika darśanaya.Dharmasēna Heṭṭiāracci - 1994 - Battaramulla: Adhyāpana Prakāśana Depārtamēntuva.
    Ancient Buddhist philosophy, with reference to Buddhist economic philosophy.
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    Contemporary Trends in Cosmology.Ia B. Zeldovich & I. D. Novikov - 1976 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 14 (4):28-49.
    Cosmology is currently a broad and rapidly developing field of knowledge.
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  22. The Major Works of Peter Chaadaev a Translation and Commentary.P. Ia Chaadaev, Raymond T. Mcnally & Richard Pipes - 1969 - University of Notre Dame Press.
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    Into the neural maze.Donald Ia Macleod - 2010 - In Jonathan Cohen & Mohan Matthen, Color Ontology and Color Science. Bradford.
    This chapter surveys a few of the so-called “easy” problems, as referred to by Chalmers, in understanding color perception. The obscurity of psycho-neural isomorphism is highlighted by the difficulties encountered in the domain of color, and while this theme has been discussed extensively, the discussion here at least provides an opportunity to review interesting facts and ideas about color vision. Trichromacy is considered first in this chapter, since it provides the most familiar example of physiological explanation in perception—an explanation generally (...)
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  24.  32
    The Patriotic war of 1812 and Its Influence on the Development of Social Thought in Russia.I. Ia Shchipanov - 1963 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 1 (4):51-57.
    The Patriotic War of 1812 was a tremendous historical testing of our people against the world's most powerful enemy — the army of Napoleon. The treacherous invasion of Russia by the Napoleonic hordes called forth in our country a feeling of hatred for the foreign conquerors, self-sacrifice and heroism. The people as a whole rose to struggle against the invaders. Alongside the Russian Army there were numerous folk levies and guerrilla bands, all with the single motive of freeing their homeland (...)
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    Morality, Work, Power, and Parasitism.L. Ia Gozman - 1993 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 32 (1):82-91.
    When people speak of the precipice on which we are sitting, they often appeal to some particular features of Russian culture, the Russian people, etc. I will not be discussing this point. I do not want to do so mainly because such discourses very often amount to no more than a peculiar type of racism.
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    The Psychology of Transition.L. Ia Gozman - 1998 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 37 (1):90-93.
    The very title of our conference, "Violence in Post-Totalitarian Society," implies the existence of certain expectations. We have always assumed that the communist regime would never fall without violence; an outburst of violence seemed a natural reaction to the demise or weakening of the system. It is extremely difficult to assess today the extent to which these fears have been borne out. Statistics are unreliable at present, and in the past they did not exist for many parameters. Hence it is (...)
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  27. P. I︠A︡. Chaadaevʺ.M. O. Gershenzon & P. Ia Chaadaev - 1908 - S.-Peterburgʺ,: Tip. M. M. Stasi︠u︡levicha. Edited by P. I︠A︡ Chaadaev.
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    On Žižek and Trilling.John Holbo - 2004 - Philosophy and Literature 28 (2):430-440.
    : J.S. Mill declares the true liberal prays for enlightened opposition. Slavoj Žižek's anti-liberal Kierkegaardian-Leninist philosophy, as presented in On Belief, is sized up as an opponent but fails to measure up philosophically. Žižek is not clear-headed; doesn't understand Kierkegaard; doesn't understand Lenin; or is too much of a soft-hearted liberal who only wishes he weren't. Žižek fears liberalism may threaten freedom. But the threats he sees — although real — are old news to liberals. Lionel Trilling-inspired hints concerning the (...)
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    (1 other version)Prevention of World Nuclear War — the Global Problem of Our Time.Iu Ia Kirshin - 1979 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 18 (3):83-99.
    Since the appearance of private property and the state, the attention of thinkers of many generations has been focused without interruption on questions of war and peace. Most, however, have been unable to explain these sociohistorical phenomena. A truly scientific theory of war and peace has been established only by the founders of Marxism-Leninism.
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    World Politics: Essence, Chief Characteristics, and Tendencies.Iu Ia Kirshin - 1983 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 22 (1):26-44.
    Considerable attention has been given in recent years to the study of the methodological problems of domestic and foreign policy. Some definite results have been achieved. The essence and structure of politics, the content and specific features of its various branches and tendencies have been explored; the place of the social sciences in the study of politics has been determined; and the question of the necessity of elaborating a special theory of politics has been posed.
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  31.  44
    De l’errance à Ia responsabilité.Fabio Ciaramelli - 1990 - Études Phénoménologiques 6 (12):45-66.
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  32. Ibn òHazm and the territory of Huelva: personal and family relationships.Alejandro Garcâia Sanjuâan - 2013 - In Camilla Adang, Maribel Fierro & Sabine Schmidtke, Ibn Ḥazm of Cordoba: the life and works of a controversial thinker. Boston: Brill.
  33.  11
    Diálogos pela ciência: correspondência de Alexandre F. Morujão com a Escola de Braga.Carlos Morujão, Luís Lóia, Ana Cristina Reis Cunha & Teresa Dugos-Pimentel (eds.) - 2018 - Lisboa: Universidade Católica Editora.
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    Boekbesprekingen.H. Suasso, J. De Fraine, P. Ahsmann, I. de la Potterie, I. de Ia Potterie, R. Leys, P. Smulders, P. Fransen, L. Steins Bisschop, H. Jans, P. Ploumen, S. Trooster, C. Sträter, J. Mulders, A. V. Kol, P. Huizing, J. Van Driessche, J. Rupert, P. Grootens, G. Achten, R. Loyens, J. Van Torre, J. Druyts, J. Nota, M. De Tollenaere, F. De Raedemaeker, L. Vander Kerken, W. Couturier, H. Geurtsen, E. Huffer, A. Snoeck, A. Poncelet & J. Kijm - 1955 - Bijdragen 16 (4):420-464.
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  35. Teorii︠a︡ ideala.V. E. Davidovich & E. Ia Rezhabek - 1983 - Rostov-na-Donu: Izd-vo Rostovskogo universiteta. Edited by E. I︠A︡ Rezhabek.
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    La Pedagog'ia Cient'ifica Seg'un Lu 'is Vives'.A. Torró Sansalvador - 1993 - Valencia: Promolibro.
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    Resolution of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the Basic Direction of Research Work and Projects of the Institute of Philosophy of the USSR Academy of Sciences, November 27, 1969.M. V. Keldysh & Ia V. Pieve - 1970 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 9 (2):190-198.
    The transition from capitalism to socialism that is taking place in our epoch confronts the science of philosophy with the problem of theoretical analysis of the dialectics of contemporary social development and of progress in science and technology. Taking into consideration the fact that the process of social change is occurring under conditions of exacerbation of the ideological struggle of the forces of socialism and capitalism, Marxist philosophers face as their most important project a deep-going, comprehensive critique of current bourgeois (...)
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  38.  23
    On the Social-Ethical Ideas of the Decembrists.I. Ia Matkovskaia - 1976 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 15 (2):23-45.
    In the heroic chronicle of Russia's revolutionary movement, the Decembrists - representatives of the first stage of that movement - hold a special place. The boldness of the initiative they displayed, the self-sacrifice of the heroes who rose in struggle against the autocracy, the at least partly conscious intention of creating - albeit at the price of their own lives! - a historic precedent: all this compels one to look closely at the moral content of their activity. The significance of (...)
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    The Contemporary Problem of War and Peace.Iu Ia Kirshin - 1981 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 20 (3):3-24.
    The present epoch is one of transition from capitalism to socialism, within which two opposite social systems exist simultaneously. Inasmuch as one of the systems - that of capitalism - is a source of wars, and the system of socialism is the source of peace, questions pertaining to the place of military means in the struggle between the two systems, questions of the struggle between the forces of war and peace and for the cessation of wars between peoples, constitute one (...)
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    Orizonturi filozofice în evoluția științei moderne.Simion Ghiță - 1981 - București: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România.
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    A fenomenologia de Heidegger na crítica de Dreyfus à IA simbólica.Paulo Mendes Taddei, Arthur Barbosa da Costa & Robson Roberto De Oliveira Furtado Junior - 2020 - Revista Natureza Humana 22 (1):27.
    Embora influente na recepção de Heidegger nos Estados Unidos da América, o trabalho de Dreyfus foi repetidas vezes criticado por desenvolver uma leitura distorcida e seletiva da fenomenologia de Heidegger. Nesse artigo, mostramos que, independentemente de seus desenvolvimentos posteriores em ciência cognitiva, sua crítica inicial à IA simbólica se apoia em duas teses que podem ser localizadas em Ser e Tempo, a saber, de que nosso senso de situação é pragmático-holístico, e intrinsecamente relevante. Após uma introdução geral, reconstruímos, numa primeira (...)
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  42. Logic și ierarhic în concepția inductivistă asupra criteriilor de acceptare a ipotezelor.Niță Constanța - 1983 - In Angela Botez, Privire filozofică asupra raționalității științei. București: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România.
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    Reconstrucția filosofiei românești.Adrian Michiduță - 2020 - Craiova: Aius.
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  44. La vigência intelectual (um estudo de sociologia das idéias).Machado Neto & L. A. - 1968 - São Paulo: Ed. Grijalbo.
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  45. Apperly, IA, 287.E. Ashbridge, R. E. Baillargeon, P. Barrouillet, M. Brysbaert, H. H. Bülthoff, J. I. D. Campbell, P. Cavanagh, Q. Feng, I. Gauthier & M. A. Goodale - 1998 - Cognition 67:377.
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  46. Filozofie și religie în evoluția culturii Române moderne.Simion Ghiță & Dumitru Ghișe (eds.) - 1984 - București: Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică.
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    Riassunto: La fenomenologia dell’esperienza corporea al di Ià del soggetto e dell’oggetto.Esteban A. García - 2007 - Chiasmi International 9:411-411.
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    Aristotle′s Use of 'Aμaρía.P. Van Braam - 1912 - Classical Quarterly 6 (04):266-.
    The review of Prof. Bywater′s new edition of the Poetics once more raised the question of the interpretation of dfuipria in Aristotle′s definition of the tragic hero.
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  49. A tradição desafortunada: Anísio Teixeira, velhos textos e idéias atuais.Hugo Rodolfo Lovisolo - 1989 - Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil.
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  50. Evolução das idéias da física.Junʻichi Osada - 1972 - [São Paulo]: E. Blücher.
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